How to enable PHP Logging

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Applicable To:All Versions of Supportworks

For debugging purposes, there maybe times when php logging is useful. Please see instructions below on how to enable them:

  1. Open <installPath>\Hornbill\Core Services\SwHttpServer\bin\php.ini
  2. Uncomment: error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE (Remove the leading semi-colon)
  3. Change: error_reporting = Off to error_reporting = On
  4. Change: display_errors = On to display_errors = Off
  5. Change: log_errors = Off to log_errors = On
  6. Change: ;error_log = filename to: error_log = "<installPath>\Hornbill\Supportworks Server\log\phperror.log" ..Note: the quotes around the file path are required!!!)
  7. Restart the SwHttpServer service