Releasing a Locked Call

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When a call is accessed or an action is taking place, the call is locked to give the user exclusive write access. However if a client has an inactivity timeout or experiences a failure of any kind the server will never receive a notification from the client to unlock the call in question. In order to unlock an affected call please carry out the following:

First attempt to close down the stuck session from (Administration > Manage Server Connections) if this does not work then:

1..Run the SupportWorks Interactive SQL program (Start->Programs->Hornbill Core Services->Interactive SQL.)
2..Enter the following SQL, replacing 12345 with the appropriate call reference (numerical part only disregard the initial 'F00')
Use Sw_systemdb; [RETURN]
select * from opencall_locks;
Delete from Opencall_Locks where callref = 12345; [RETURN]

Once done the offending call will no longer be locked. Should the issue still occur please restart the SwServerService (Note this will require everyone to be logged out of the system).