NextCallRef error on Server Service startup

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Revision as of 15:06, 20 July 2015 by Rickyf (talk | contribs)
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You may find that the Supportworks Server service is unable to start and the following error is displayed in the swserver logs:

[ERROR]:[5972] Invalid callref: an entry in opencall is greater than nextcallref!

To resolve this issue the following steps should be completed on the Supportworks Application database:<br\>

  1. Enter the following via your preferred database query tool:
    select MAX(callref) from opencall<br\>
  2. This will give you the last call reference number used, please make a note of it.

Then go onto the Supportworks Server, Start > All Programs > Hornbill Core Services > Interactive SQL and enter the the following, replacing the "####" with the callref value returned above:

use sw_systemdb; [RETURN]

update system_counters set count = #### where name = 'nextcallreference'; [RETURN]