Multiclips: What are they?

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Status: Published
Version: 1.1
Authors: Hornbill Support
Applies to: All Versions of Supportworks

Mutlticlips: What are they?

Supportworks provides a multiple-clipboard facility known as MultiClip.

This allows you to create text in, or copy text to, a maximum of 256 separately named clipboard blocks, any of which you (or perhaps a member of your support group) can subsequently select for pasting into any "descriptive" text field within the application. In the event that you attempt to create more multiclips than is allowed, the following error message pops up. Multiclips.png

In effect, a MultiClip block is a textual template applied on a per-field basis. These blocks remain in the system until you specifically delete them, and you can view and edit them at any time. Although similar in function to the Windows ClipBook, MultiClip blocks are far more convenient to manage and use.

You can create blocks that are available to all members of your support group, or just to yourself. In either case, you can categorise your blocks under any number of different block groups.

MultiClip blocks are a feature unique to the Supportworks client, and therefore cannot be used outside of that environment.