Knowledgebase Search: 3 letter term in search, no results are being returned
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In order to allow three character searches in the knowledgebase please carry out the following:
Access the Supportworks Server
- Stop the following services via the services console(services.msc):
- SwMailSchedule
- SwMailService
- SwServerService
- SwSchedulerService
- SwMessengerService
- SwIndexserver
- SwFileService
- SwCalendarService
- SwSqlServer
- Edit the following file (where <installPath:> = drive and path of the Supportworks server installation):
- <installPath>\Core Services\SwSQLServer\Bin\SwSQL.ini
- Add the following parameter and Save the changes
set-variable = ft_min_word_len=3
- Restart Only the SwSQLServer
- Run the SupportWorks Interactive SQL Program (Start->Programs->Hornbill Core Services->Interactive SQL)
- Enter the following SQL
Use sw_knowledgebase;
Alter Table KbDocuments Drop Index Title;ALTER TABLE kbdocuments ADD FULLTEXT(Title,Keywords,Problem,Solution,CallProbCode);
- Restart the following services:
- SwSqlServer
- SwCalendarService
- SwFileService
- SwIndexserver
- SwMessengerService
- SwSchedulerService
- SwServerService
- SwMailService
- SwMailSchedule