Data Dictionary in Use

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Status: Published
Version: 1.0
Authors: Hornbill Support
Applies to: Supportworks all ITSMs

If you wish to find out which Data Dictionary is being used by which Analysts you can check either the Database or you can run the System Diagnostics and they will tell you which analysts are using which data dictionaries.


There is a table that stores analyst data but it is not in the Swdata database but in the Sw_systemdb database in table Swanalysts. In order to view the contents use Interactive SQL:

Use sw_systemdb;

select analystid, name, datadictionary from swanalysts order by datadictionary;

This command will show the analyst names against the data dictionaries.


In the absence of database access, you can still view which data dictionaries are being used by which analysts when you generate the System Diagnostics report.

If you access Supportworks client and go to Administration > Generate System Diagnostics Report, once you generate the system diagnostics, check the \diags\SwServerService_stats.txt file. Initially you will see the server statistics but as you scroll further down, there is a section called Active Sessions. This will show you the Analyst name and the Current Data Dictionary they are using at the time the System Diagnostics were generated.