Enabling E-mail Message Tracking

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Status: Published
Version: 1.0
Authors: HTL QA
Applies to: Supportworks ESP

Enabling E-mail Message Tracking

If you are experiencing Internet e-mail problems with either sent or received messages, you can temporarily enable e-mail message tracking to allow Hornbill Support to establish the source of those problems. For each message passing through the Supportworks Internet Mail Connector, this diagnostic tracking creates a text file containing the raw content and Internet formatting of the message concerned. (Therefore, if left enabled for any extended period of time, the tracking may require a large amount of hard disk space, depending on the volume of e-mail messages that your Supportworks server processes.)

Note: Currently, direct inbound SMTP mail cannot be tracked due to a software defect.

The procedure for enabling e-mail message tracking is as follows:

  1. Using a text editor, open the XML file that holds the configuration parameters for the Internet Mail Connector. Its pathname (by default) is as follows:
    C:\Program Files\Hornbill\Supportworks Server\conf\SwInternetMC.xml
  2. For outbound message tracking, modify the contents of the file to ensure that the following lines of XML script contain the values shown:
    <SMTPServerTrackingEnabled type="dword" value="1"/>
    <SMTPServerTrackingPath type="string" value="C:\Track"/>
    For inbound message tracking, ensure that the following lines contain the values shown:
    <TrackMessages value="1"/>
    <TrackPath value="C:\Track"/>
    In both cases, the value C:\Track gives the location where the diagnostic text files will be created. If you wish, you can specify any other valid path instead.
  3. Save the file.

Message tracking will now begin immediately. You can try to recreate the error by sending an outbound or inbound message in the appropriate way and then checking the received version at its destination. Make a note of the message date/time and look for the corresponding tracking file in the C:\Track folder (or in whichever folder you opted to have the diagnostic files created). The root of this folder will contain the inbound messages (with extension .txt), while its subfolder "outbound" will contain the outbound messages (with extension .msg).

When you have found the file, forward it to Hornbill Support, along with the log files from the following folder on the server (or from the equivalent folder if your server is installed elsewhere):

C:\Program Files\Hornbill\Supportworks Server\log