How to Delete Supportworks ITHD Call Data Using SQL

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Status: Published
Version: 1.0
Authors: Hornbill Support
Applies to: Supportworks ITHD

How to Delete Supportworks ITHD Call Data Using SQL

This document gives you instructions on how to remove all call-related data within Supportworks IT Helpdesk (ITHD) manually by direct access to the databases concerned. You may need to do this if you find yourself in a fault situation where you are unable to delete calls normally from within the Supportworks client.

Please note that the procedure will not remove any e-mail messages linked to calls.

The deletion procedure is as follows:

  1. Run the Supportworks Server Configuration utility by selecting Start > Programs > Supportworks Server > Supportworks Server Configuration.
  2. On the Server tab, stop the SwServerService.
  3. Run the Interactive SQL utility by selecting Start > Programs > Hornbill Core Services > Interactive SQL. Alternatively, if you are using a third-party database, run the query tool of choice.
  4. Enter the following SQL statements (followed by appropriate where clauses if you wish to delete the call data selectively):
    use swdata;
    delete from opencall;
    delete from updatedb;
    delete from calltasks;
    delete from swissues;
    use sw_systemdb;
    delete from opencall_sla_evts;
    delete from opencall_sla_exc;
    delete from opencall_sla;
    delete from system_cfastore;
    update system_counters set count = 0 where name ='NextCallReference';
    use sw_knowledgebase;
    delete from kbdocuments where callref > 0;
    delete from kbunpubcalls;
  5. Delete the following files:
    C:\Program Files\Hornbill\Supportworks Server\Data\cfa_store\folder\*.*
    where C:\Program Files\Hornbill\ is the default installation folder and folder is the folder containing the file attachments for the given range of calls.
  6. In the Supportworks Server Configuration utility, start the SwServerService.

Once you have completed the above procedure, all required call data, together with the calls' file attachments, will have been removed.